
Relationship Counseling:

Save your marriage today


We offer relationship and marriage counseling for singles, individuals, and couples in Nigeria. Your relationship and happiness are important to us. Whether you are having trouble meeting a potential partner, are wondering if you should take the next step in your relationship, are struggling with managing your anxiety or depression, or have been rocked by infidelity or a loss, we can help.





Are you looking for counseling  because you are concerned about your relationship? Worried that your marriage may not make it over the long term? Are you tired of arguing?

Perhaps you are struggling in your marriage or long term relationship. Maybe you have reached a place of being sick and tired of the same old arguments that repeat themselves over and over again.


The anger, resentment and dissatisfaction may have you thinking to yourself: “Is this really worth it?”


Try and you might, attempts to fix your relationship problems just don’t seem to be working. The criticism, blaming and apathy have reached a point where the both of you are completely over it.


And while there still may be love between you, it just doesn’t seem like it will be enough to make positive change.






  • Intimacy Issues
  • Marriage Problems
  • Better Communications
  • Trust Issues
  • Infidelity
  • Relationship Goals
  • Happier Marriage
  • Family Problems
  • Money Challenges
  • Boredom
Individual Counseling
If you're feeling lonely and depressed, or you simply can't break out of that troubled rut you're in, individual talk therapy in Nigeria help you make a change. Increase your feelings of worth, move beyond traumas, and build more positive relationships so you can be happy.
Couples Counseling
Struggling with continual fighting or periods of the silent treatment? Feeling lonely in a committed relationship? Even if you’re considering therapy as prevention versus intervention, couples therapy in Nigeria will provide you and your partner with tools to help you work together, break negative patterns, and enjoy each other again.
Premarital Counseling
As wonderful as being married is, it's also complicated and needs the support of a healthy, strong foundation. Work together on solidifying that foundation before you walk down the aisle, building skills to nurture your relationship for a lifetime with premarital counseling.

Can you relate to these things?

If you are experiencing any of the following right now, it is important for you to realize that change is possible!
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